MBC Student Ministry: Costa Rica 2024 Mission Trip (Follow our Trip Journal by clicking the heart icon)

"discovering mineral" Class 101

This 4 week class is the first step in our 4-prong program: membership, maturity, ministry and mission. This class is designed to help you grow in your Christian life and service. The seeks to help people who are interested in learning more about Mineral Baptist understand who we are, what we believe, and how we work. We address areas of belief and of structure. All of these areas are for the purpose of leading people to Christ and membership at Mineral Baptist Church.

Session one: strategy

This session explains who we are trying to connect with, what we are encouraging them to do, and what we are calling them to commit to as a member of this local group of Christians.

SESSION two: STructure

This session explains the Biblical basis for how the church should be organized and how our particular church puts that structure into practice.

Session three: statements

This session explains why we exist as a church, what we believe and how those beliefs inform what we do and practice within our church.

Session four: Our salvation

This session addresses what it means to be a Christian, the importance of baptism, the meaning of the Lord's Supper, and what it means to be a member of this church.
**NOTE: This class is offered periodically throughout the year and takes place on Sunday mornings from 9:45am-10:45am on the Family Life Center stage.**