MBC Student ministry

Events: Less Is More

Many churches and youth ministries are program and event driven. It is understandable that teenagers want to actually go and do things. The problem is we create such a crazy calendar and simply become a glorified recreational club.

However, events are important. Events have the opportunity to spark life change, break down walls, and build a sense of community.

Our strategy  is based on the philosophy that less is more when events are strategic. They have purpose and intentionality. Here we do six (6) events per year: one event each quarter, a summer missions camp, and a missions experience. 


Every fall, we do an event that aligns with the fall discipleship focus (Spending Time with God) by creating a retreat, an event in host homes, or an "all-nighter"  that will help students connect with each other and challenges them to grow closer to God.


In the winter, we do a just-for-event that gets students together before the busyness of the holidays really kicks in.


Every spring, we do an event that aligns with our discipleship focus (Sharing Your Story) by creating a weekend retreat, a weekend in host homes, or a weekend experience that equips and nurtures students' abilities to talk to other people about Jesus and why He matters. 


Every summer, we have a mission trip and summer mission camp (see below), but we also do another just-for-fun event that gets students together before the busyness of the summer begins. 
Check out past videos:
2019 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024

Summer: Missions Camp (MFuge)

Every summer, during the 1st full week of June, we offer our middle school and high school students a "camp-like" experience. Serving as a perfect first step for a young middle schooler/first time mission trip participant, MFuge gives us the best of both worlds: all the structure of camp and a taste of missions. Seasoned high schoolers will be challenged to grow as mentors and leaders.
Check out past videos:
2018 | 2019 | 2023 | 2024

Summer: Missions Experience

Every summer, during the 3rd full week of July, we offer our high school students a missions experience. We alternate between domestic trips with World Changers on odd numbered years and an international trip with Praying Pelican Missions on even numbered years.