MBC Student Ministry: Costa Rica 2024 Mission Trip (Follow our Trip Journal by clicking the heart icon)

For Such A Time As This

Apr 28, 2024    Kris Hutchinson

Believers today are responsible for advancing God's Kingdom. Actively representing Christ in all aspects of life includes when we are at work, at school and any interaction with others. We must embrace our call to be a witness for God. God's will for our lives is to love Him and make His name known. Kris Hutchinson calls us to action, encouraging us in various spheres of life, such as family, work, and community, to spread the message of faith. Both older and younger generations must work together, remembering that our presence in this moment is not coincidental but purposeful. We cannot wish anyone else was here to do it for us. It is our time to step up, be faithful, and courageously share the Gospel.