MBC Student Ministry: Costa Rica 2024 Mission Trip (Follow our Trip Journal by clicking the heart icon)

MFuge Trip Journal: Day 3 (June 9) - Packing It In

Another great day!

And no, packing it in doesn't mean we gave up or quit. Today, we went to Manna Food Bank and help package up food.

Manna Food Bank is a food distribution center which services 200 local food pantries. Yesterday alone, we helped box up over 19,000 pounds of food to go out!

Keeping with our theme DWELL, we learned about how as Christians we must abide in Christ and to say that we love Him and then not obey Him means we actually are not in Him (1 John).

Great day of God moving and us learning and growing. Our prayer is that we continue drawing close to God this week (and oh by the way, Savannah got to play a game on stage!)


Barbie - June 10th, 2021 at 12:10pm

Enjoying the posts! Praying blessings on all you are doing for those that will received! Love in Christ, Ms. Barbie

Ms Kaaren - June 11th, 2021 at 9:54am

Looks like you're having fun. And Savannah, on stage playing games... Go girl! We're enjoying the pictures and seeing you all serving. Thanks.

Looks like a great place to hear from God. Praying for you.



