MBC Student Ministry: Costa Rica 2024 Mission Trip (Follow our Trip Journal by clicking the heart icon)

MFuge Trip Journal: Day 4 (June 10) - Into the Light

Today (June 10) we returned to the Veteran's Restorative Quarters where we were actually partnered with a church from VA!

We cleaned their education building where they help residents obtain vocational skills and financial skills. We cleaned windows, swept floors, and wiped down tables and chairs.

Some of our people helped in the kitchen by shucking corn for meal prep.

The biggest insight for me (Pastor Kris) was when the Volunteer Coordinator talked about the need for these residents to be treated with dignity and a clean building goes along way to accomplishing this.

Worship was spot on again, and took a heavier tone by focusing on how we all live in some kind of darkness and that God is our real hope.

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