MBC Student Ministry: Costa Rica 2024 Mission Trip (Follow our Trip Journal by clicking the heart icon)

World Changers Travel Journal 2023: Day 3 - Tut, Tut, looks like rain!

Today, we worked again. In the rain!

We survived the rain, thunderstorms, built shelters, found shelter under carports and the branches of trees. Some of us were actually inside so it didn’t matter as much.

Our students are doing a tremendous job. Parker and Savannah are working on a deck but when rain came Parker built his crew a make shift shed to stay dry. Too bad they then had to take it apart after the rain stopped.

Ashlyn and Mrs. June built a set of stairs for an elderly widow inside her garage. That lady apparently has been an amazing host and has welcomed the crew into her home and engaged in lengthy chats with different crew members.

Abby and Mr. Chris are painting up a storm (pardon the pun) and while waiting for the first coat to dry a Rita’s ice cream run occurred.

Meanwhile, Camden and PK were outside in the rain power washing two homes…and no ice cream!

The rain canceled our beach trip and dinner/worship/church group time on the beach. But we still had a great dinner of hot dogs, burgers, potato salad, Mac & cheese, etc.

At worship, Ashlyn read the scripture from the stage and Savannah prayed! It is so awesome to see our students gain confidence in leading worship!

Pastor Andrew preached on Ruth 3 highlighting Boaz’s patience in doing things God’s way.

The night concluded with an epic 3 v 3 basketball game (guys vs girls) which saw PK scoring 4 baskets, Mr. Chris hitting the game winner and Savannah and Abby running off the court every few minutes. Our game also included an epic race for the ball between Parker and Savannah which almost turned into a train wreck! Bottom line: great night!

Supposed to be sunshine tomorrow! Day 3 of sites!

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