MBC Student Ministry: Costa Rica 2024 Mission Trip (Follow our Trip Journal by clicking the heart icon)

MFuge 2022 Trip Journal: Day 1 (June 20) - June and The Boys

Fuge 2022 has begun. We made it to Harrisonburg in plenty of time and did NOT miss any turns this year!

What an interesting start to the week...

Our host site is brand new to FUGE and there were some logistical difficulties between them and the FUGE staff. When we arrived keys for everyone (and I mean everyone 860+ people) were not ready. Apparently, one of the host site's staff members quit a few days ago and seems to have been the one who may have been responsible for getting our keys and rooming straight! Not 100% sure about that, but that narrative has seemed to become pretty strong.

But before we even arrived our team faced setbacks due to COVID and other schedule logistics.

However, we pressed on. We now refer to ourselves as Mrs. June and The Boys.

Once we finally got in our rooms and ate dinner, we settled in for opening celebration, Bible Study Groups, and worship.

What a wonderful night filled with reminders about how Jesus is MATCHLESS. Nothing compares to Him. Our camp pastor for the week is Derek Idol and our worship leader is Jerod Espy.

One of the things that always moves me about FUGE is the hundreds of students and adults who literally come from all over the country for this. One group drove 15 hours just to be here. And there were three Group Leaders who have been brining students to FUGF for 22, 27 and 30 years! (I am at 6 in case you were wondering...)

All in all, a good start and all the team is excited to begin tomorrow morning with the 1st FULL DAY!

*Feel free to comment to this post and I will pass it along to the team.*

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Kendall - June 21st, 2022 at 6:25pm

Way to go, Mrs. June & The Boys! Praying for you all to be blessed as you bless others this week by being the hands and feet of Jesus. Stay strong! ❤️

Gayle Harper - June 21st, 2022 at 9:25pm

So glad you all made the trip safely. I am wishing you all a very blessed experience & to Camden..I miss you wish for you very blessed experience.



