MBC Student Ministry: Costa Rica 2024 Mission Trip (Follow our Trip Journal by clicking the heart icon)

MFuge Trip Journal 2024: Day 2 (June 4) - Hype Train

Today is the first full day of Fuge, and our team already has the reputation for being the "most hyped" during worship! This is coming from the Fuge staffers themselves. One of them ate lunch with us, and when we told her what church we were she said, "Oh, you're the hyped ones!" (It also turns out that this staffer is the oldest daughter of the pastor who now pastors my old church - Round Hill Baptist!)

Today we hit our sites for the first time. Our team was divided up amongst four different groups doing everything from ministry in parks to serving in a nursing home and beach evangelism (literally walking on the beach talking to people about Jesus, handing out tracts, and praying for people). And Abby got to play a game on stage during Morning Worship.

On site, we experienced some difficulties as our beach evangelism group received some strong resistance from a couple of people, and not just people who were disinterested. They were hostile to the faith. One of our park groups experienced incredible openness and receptivity. Some guys from another church went straight up to two guys playing basketball and engaged them about faith. One of them had a ton of questions but simply doesn't believe. And oh by the way, Mrs. Natalie, actually called BINGO numbers at the nursing home.

Worship and Bible Study focused on praying and turning to God. Through Samuel, a prophet of Israel, God ushered a time of revival for the Israelites. His story begs us to answer how prayer is an active part of our life.

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