MFuge Trip Journal 2023: Day 2 (June 6) - Gold Stars

Today is the first full day of Fuge, and our youth ministry has a running joke about Gold Stars. Gold Stars are 100% arbitrary points given to (and taken) from students for some legitimate reasons and mostly silly reasons. Think the old game show Whose Line Is It Anyway - the points are made up and don't matter.

That said, we walked into Morning Celebration and one of the Fuge Staffers was dressed as a Gold Star!

Today we hit our sites for the first time. Our team was divided up amongst five different groups doing everything from children's ministry in parks and neighborhoods to serving in a nursing home, and helping clean and organize a local church facility.

On site, we experienced some difficulties as two of our sites discovered that children are still in school this week which makes it hard to do children's ministry work. We also got to see up close the reality of life in a nursing home (and realized a 100-year-old man is a boss at cornhole). That means really good at throwing bean bags through a hole in a piece of wood. We also found out that some churches have several-years-old moldy green beans in refrigerators that need to be cleaned out.

**Note - we do not have many photos/videos of site as Fuge has asked us not to do this due to privacy and safety issues.**

Our theme this year is In His Image - talking about God's original design of us and how that image has been distorted. In looking at Genesis 1, Pastor Cliff talked about how being created in the image of God is multifaceted: 1) Gives us value, 2) Gives us the capacity for relationships, and 3) Gives us a job to do (often seen as our calling).

In the evening, we spent some time together as a group playing some of our favorites games: Brazilian Uno and Spoons...

And for the first time EVER, a student beat me (PK) at Spoons!!!! Shout out to Savannah.

So tomorrow (June 7 is Savannah Day). I still have great socks - the Kool-Aid Man!

Check back tomorrow...

P.S. - I am looking into why we can't post comments. Everything is enabled properly in our settings.

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