MBC Student Ministry: Costa Rica 2024 Mission Trip (Follow our Trip Journal by clicking the heart icon)

MFuge 2022 Trip Journal Day 3 (June 22) - When It Rains It Pours

What a day...

Overall, it was a very good day, but it came with an unexpected departure for one of our team members and thunderstorms. The rain did hold off until this evening after we returned from site.

This morning, first thing, we had to say goodbye to one of our team members due to a family situation back home. That honestly created a very crazy morning for me. However, we got him connected with his family and wished him the best as we continued on.

There are not many photos from today due to the rain and because one of the sites where we are working does not want us to take pictures of the children.

However, a great day digging into the Word. The nuance of the "Matchless One" theme was forgiveness - through the eyes of Joseph in Genesis. We were challenged to forgive (and seek forgiveness), resolve conflict quickly, and be sensitive to where people are coming from, especially since we really don’t know what is going on in the background of someone’s life.

We also discovered that Parker has a knack for finding old pulpit Bibles on site (two so far)…


Carolyn Sims - June 23rd, 2022 at 7:27am

Always enjoy looking at the blog.

Nikisha Diggs - June 23rd, 2022 at 1:15pm

Enjoy the experience. Thanks for the update!

Gayle - June 23rd, 2022 at 8:46pm

Makes me smile & be thankful that these two young men are enjoying this experience.



